Rewards Program FAQ
What is the new Rewards Program?
Starting September 14, 2022, we launched our new Rewards Program, Banana Republic Rewards. Our new Rewards Program allows customers to earn points on purchases at Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Athleta, Gap Factory, and Banana Republic Factory stores and online. Whether you join Gap Good Rewards, Banana Republic Rewards, Navyist Rewards, or Athleta Rewards, your membership will travel with you.
I am already a member of Banana Republic Rewards, will I be converted into the new Rewards Program?
If you were enrolled in Banana Republic Rewards before September 7th, 2022, your account will automatically be converted to our new Rewards Program.
When did changes to the new membership take effect?
Starting September 14, 2022. You can find out more and read the full Terms & Conditions here.
What are the new membership levels?
Levels are based on your annual spend at Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Athleta, Gap Factory, Banana Republic Factory.
There are 3 levels:
Core = <$500 annual spend.
Enthusiast = $500-$999 annual spend.
Icon = $1,000+ annual spend.
Is this the same as the US Rewards Program?
No. Our Rewards Program in the US is separate from the Rewards Program in Canada.
What brands are included in the Rewards Program?
Points can be earned on purchases made across our family of brands including participating Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Athleta, Gap Factory, and Banana Republic Factory stores and online.
Are Factory stores included?
Yes, Gap Factory, Banana Republic Factory, and Old Navy Outlet stores are included in the Rewards Program.
Where can I find the complete terms and conditions for the program?
For complete terms and conditions, please see the program Terms and Conditions.
Where can I find the privacy policy?
Our privacy policy can be found here.
Points and Rewards
How many points do I need to earn a reward?
100 points = $1 reward.
How do I earn points?
When you shop in-store, you'll earn points when you provide the phone number or email registered to your membership at checkout. For online purchases at,,,, and, you'll earn points if you are logged in with your email address linked to your Member Account.
How many points do I earn for each dollar spent?
Rewards Members earn 1 point for every $1 spent across our family of brands.
How long does it take for points to post to my account?
Points are initially earned in a pending status. After 14 days, earned points become active.
Do my points expire?
All points will expire if you do not earn points or redeem points for rewards for 12 consecutive months in connection with your account.
How do I redeem my rewards?
You can use your phone number or email address linked to your Member Account to redeem rewards on purchases at our family of brands.
How do I access my rewards?
To redeem rewards on in-store purchases, you'll provide the phone number or email registered to your membership at checkout. For online purchases, you'll log in using your email address.
Who do I contact if I need help?
You can contact the Call Center at 1-888-277-8953.
How do I know how many points I have?
Simply log in to your Gap Inc. account to view your points and rewards information.
If I have a Rewards Program account in Canada and the US, will my points be combined?
No, the Rewards Program in Canada is separate from the Rewards Program in the US.
How do I get bonus points for signing up for marketing emails?
Customers who opt in to receive marketing emails from one of our brands at the time they sign up for the Rewards Program, or after signing up for the program, will receive 250 bonus rewards points. Those points will post to your account within 14 days of signing up for marketing emails.
I was already signed up for marketing emails from one of Gap Inc.'s brands, and I have now signed up for marketing emails of another Gap Inc. brand - will I get the bonus points for signing up for marketing emails?
No. Marketing email bonus points are only available to customers signing up for marketing emails for the first time with one of our brands.
I joined the Rewards Program at another brand, can I still use my benefits at Banana Republic?
Yes, your level and benefits travel with you to any of our brands no matter where you enrolled.
How do I get free shipping?
Core and Enthusiast Members will receive free shipping with a purchase of $50 or more. Icon Members will receive free shipping on orders $35 or more.
Sign in to your online account at checkout to access free shipping. Free shipping will be applied at checkout, no code needed.
Where do I view my benefits?
Core and Enthusiast Members will receive free shipping with a purchase of $50 or more. Icon Members will receive free shipping on orders $35 or more.
Details about your benefits, including the Family of Brands Bonus, Birthday Bonus, Create Your Own Sale Day, and donating your Rewards, can be found in your account.